AISC Steel Design Guide Series 22 - Facade Attachments to Steel Framed Buildings

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รหัส : 135

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Design Guide 22: Facade Attachments to Steel-Framed Buildings
...Façade system fundamentals are discussed, along with building performance issues that influence attachment design. The details of various façade systems are exemplified, including masonry cavity wall systems with concrete-block or steel-stud back-up, precast-concrete wall panels, aluminum curtain walls with glass and/or metal panels, glass-fiber-reinforced concrete panels and other lightweight panels, and exterior insulation-and-finish-system panels. Design examples for the various systems are also provided. The objective of the design guide is “to assist the practicing engineer in achieving economical slab edge details for steel frames that are structurally sound, durable, and accommodating of the performance requirements of the particular façade system.”

เครดิตไฟล์ :

Thitapath Prom

ผู้อัพโหลด : gesuscv

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(รหัส : 135)
ขนาดไฟล์ 8.47 MB.
(By : gesuscv)
เมื่อ 02 กันยายน 2555 01:04
โหลดแล้ว 173 ครั้ง ( รายละเอียด)
ดูแล้ว 1,536 ครั้ง
ความคิดเห็น 2
คะแนน 1
