Asphalt Paving Principles

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รหัส : 2791

ชื่อไฟล์ : Asphalt Paving Principles

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รายละเอียด :

We prepared this workbook for use by highway superintendents who select paving alternatives, evaluate options, and analyze cost. Whether you use a paving contractor, share paving operations with another municipality, or do your own paving, these guidelines can help you get a quality job.
This workbook is intended to be used primarily in the one–day training course, Asphalt Paving Principles, which will be offered statewide for the first time in spring 2004. The workbook is also available free of charge to local highway agencies throughout New York State.
Edward J. Kearney, P.E., Director of Engineering and Technical Services, Wirtgen America, and Chris Blades, Vice President, A.L. Blades and Sons, Inc., wrote the workbook. Both consultants will teach the course beginning in 2004. The information in the workbook draws somewhat from the Hot and Cold Mix Paving workbook and course, which the Cornell Local Roads Program offered in 1995. Rod Birdsall, P.E., wrote the workbook for that course.
The Cornell Local Roads Program (CLRP) provides training and technical assistance to highway and public works officials in New York State. Support for the CLRP is provided by the Federal Highway Administration’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), the New York State Department of Transportation, Cornell University, and workshop registration fees.

เครดิตไฟล์ :

Cornell Local Roads Program

ผู้อัพโหลด : admin

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(รหัส : 2791)
ขนาดไฟล์ 2.82 MB.
(By : admin)
เมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2556 18:15
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