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Welded Connections
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รหัส : 2872
ชื่อไฟล์ : Welded Connections
อยู่ในหมวดหมู่ :
รายละเอียด :
Arcwelding has become a popular, widely usedmethodfor making steel structures more economical.
Although not a new process, welding is still often misunderstood. Perhaps some of the confusion
results from the complexity of the technology. To effectively and economically design a building
that is to be welded, the engineer should have a knowledge of metallurgy, fatigue, fracture control,
weld design, welding processes, welding procedure variables, nondestructive testing, and welding
economics. Fortunately, excellent references are readily available, and industry codes specify the
minimumstandards that are required to be met. Finally, the industry is relatively mature. Although
newdevelopments are made every year, the fundamentals of welding are well understood, and many
experienced engineers may be consulted for assistance.
เครดิตไฟล์ :
O.W. Blodgett and
D. K. Miller
The Lincoln Electric Company, Cleveland,
ผู้อัพโหลด : admin
หมวดการกรอง :
ไฟล์ต้นฉบับ (ชัดเจน)
Textbook / หนังสือเท๊กซ์บุ๊ึค