Shallow Foundations: Discussions and Problem Solving

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รหัส : 6174

ชื่อไฟล์ : Shallow Foundations: Discussions and Problem Solving

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Shallow Foundations: Discussions and Problem Solving is written for civil engineers and all civil engineering students taking courses in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. It covers the analysis, design and application of shallow foundations, with a primary focus on the interface between the structural elements and underlying soil. Topics such as site investigation, foundation contact pressure and settlement, vertical stresses in soils due to foundation loads, settlements, and bearing capacity are all fully covered, and a chapter is devoted to the structural design of different types of shallow foundations. It provides essential data for the design of shallow foundations under normal circumstances, considering both the American (ACI) and the European (EN) Standard Building Code Requirements, with each chapter being a concise discussion of critical and practical aspects. Applications are highlighted through solving a relatively large number of realistic problems. A total of 180 problems, all with full solutions, consolidate understanding of the fundamental principles and illustrate the design and application of shallow foundations.

เครดิตไฟล์ :

ผู้อัพโหลด : raywat

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(รหัส : 6174)
ขนาดไฟล์ 23.68 MB.
(By : raywat)
เมื่อ 11 ธันวาคม 2559 15:13
โหลดแล้ว 480 ครั้ง ( รายละเอียด)
ดูแล้ว 2,028 ครั้ง
ความคิดเห็น 9
คะแนน 4
