Exploring Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i

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รหัส : 6535

ชื่อไฟล์ : Exploring Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i

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Exploring Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i textbook introduces the users to powerful structural analysis and design solution, STAAD.Pro V8i. STAAD.Pro V8i helps to model and visualize a structure experiencing various structural loads. This structural model can then be used to analyze and design an optimized structure. This textbook has been written considering the needs of the professionals such as civil engineers, structural engineers, and structural analysts intending to learn and explore the usage and abilities of STAAD.Pro V8i in their respective domains. This textbook provides comprehensive text and graphical representation to explain various concepts and procedures required for analyzing and designing a structure. For better comprehension of the processes involved in STAAD.Pro V8i, examples, which relate to real world structures, are provided. This textbook consists of 7 chapters covering basic as well as advanced concepts of STAAD.Pro V8i such as creating 2D and 3D models, assigning different materials and cross-sections, assigning different loads, running analysis, viewing results, and creating reports using real-world examples. The text is supported by tables, images, and screen captures to make the concepts easily understandable.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to STAAD.Pro V8i
Chapter 2: Structural Modeling in STAAD.Pro
Chapter 3: Structural Modeling Using Tools
Chapter 4: Defining Material Constants and Section Properties
Chapter 5: Specifications and Supports
Chapter 6: Loads
Chapter 7: Performing Analysis, Viewing Results, and Preparing Report

เครดิตไฟล์ :

ผู้อัพโหลด : raywat

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(รหัส : 6535)
ขนาดไฟล์ 16.55 MB.
(By : raywat)
เมื่อ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2560 07:27
โหลดแล้ว 417 ครั้ง ( รายละเอียด)
ดูแล้ว 2,745 ครั้ง
ความคิดเห็น 5
คะแนน 1
