Above Ground Storage Tanks

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รหัส : 7592

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Aboveground Storage Tanks

Aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) have been around since the inception of industrial processing, but surprisingly, very little practical engineering or general information is readily available to the tank inspector, engineer, or operator. Why this is can only be speculated on. Perhaps, the concept of a tank is so simple that it fosters a belief
that there is little complexity to them and they do not warrant expenditures
of resources. Perhaps, the tank owner believes that it is appropriate to relegate all tank issues to the care of the manufacturer.Perhaps, it is because they are generally reliable pieces of equipment or are considered infrastructure.

Whatever the case, for those who have had to deal with ASTs, understanding the complex issues and problems and implementing good design, inspection, operational or environmental solutions to AST problems have been all but simple. Well-intentioned individuals and companies in need of sound engineering information frequently make major blunders in areas of design, inspection, or safety. This often results in high costs, shortened equipment life, ineffective inspection programs, environmental damage, or accidents and injuries as well as the threats of more national and state legislation. In recent years there has been an increasing polarization between industry, environmental groups, regulators, and the public. Each facility which operates with tanks carries much more risk than just damaging its equipment. Regardless of cause, injuries, fatalities, and
incidents all create a kind of press that can be used against the entire industry with no real benefit. So rather than proper application of industry standards to maintain facility integrity on a site-specific basis, we are seeing a trend where the design, inspection, and operation of facilities is being politically controlled or regnlated. This is the worst possible way of running these facilities because it does not address the fundamental causes of the problems and it creates inefficiencies of mammoth proportion. It also directs resources away from where they are more needed for the public good such as higher risk
operations or in other places in the facility. The political approach to controlling tank facilities penalizes the companies willing to do things right while not really fIxing the fundamental problems. However, this is not to say that there should be no responsibility to operate these facilities carefully, safely, and in accordance with recogoized and generally accepted good practices. In large part the situation we are in now is a result of the industrial reticence to speak up on issues, to promote information such as contained in this book to reduce the incidents which form the basis of regulations, and to be more proactive in the regulatory process than simply writing industry-recommended
practices or standards. The purpose of the book then is to help break the cycle described above by introducing appropriate information that will make any tank facilities safer, more reliable, and not in need of more stringent regulations. SpecifIcally, this book can help any individual, company, or industry using ASTs to improve their performance in the areas of
safety (both employee and the public), environmentally responsible operations, and implementation of good practices. Fortunately, this can be done with relatively small expenditures of time and effort when armed with knowledge and experience:

This book covers fundamental principles of aboveground storage tanks as well as more advanced principles such as seismic engineering needed for work in susceptible areas. It will be of interest to engineers, inspectors, desigoers, regulators, and owners as well as to any other person involved in any of the many specialized topics related to tanks. Each topic is treated from a perspective that the reader knows nothing and works up to a fairly advanced level so that the reading may be selective as appropriate and as needed. Where the topic becomes extremely advanced or where only unproved theories exist, then this is noted and further references are made available. One of the best sources of information about tanks, petroleum related issues, and all kinds of problems associated with the petroleum business is the American Petroleum Institute (API). This organization has produced numerous high-quality standards, recommended practices, and publications from which the reader may have access to the state of the art in these topics.

Philip E. Myers

เครดิตไฟล์ :

Philip E. Myers

ผู้อัพโหลด : tumcivil

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    หนังสือสแกนมา (สำเนา)
    Textbook / หนังสือเท๊กซ์บุ๊ึค

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(By : tumcivil)
เมื่อ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2562 01:30
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