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Construction Program Management – Decision Making and Optimization Techniques
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รหัส : 7606
ชื่อไฟล์ : Construction Program Management – Decision Making and Optimization Techniques
อยู่ในหมวดหมู่ :
รายละเอียด :
Construction Program Management – Decision Making and Optimization Techniques
The recent trend in the construction industry is how to manage large and complex
programs. Multiple projects being built simultaneously, as part of government or
private programs, will need structured and sophisticated program management
techniques in order to deliver the vast and complex building works at hand with a
relatively short period. Without proper program management procedures, these
often huge, complex, multi-projects can take decades to construct with draining
budgets. With program management, the building works can be relatively short
spanning years with significant cost reduction.
Although program management methods have been applied successfully in the
USA (NASA and ARMY programs as an example), Europe (Marshall Plan), and
some of the United Nation programs, there have not been literature nor research to
sustain the theories behind the successful implementation of these methods nor their
proper and scientific know-how. All the focus has been on project management
techniques with their apparent short-folds for program constructability.
This book will look on the different program management methods, ranging
from simple decision-making techniques and statistics analysis to the more complex
linear programming, and how program managers, directors, clients, stakeholders,
contractors, and consultants can benefit from the availability of these different
techniques. The book is unique in a way as it looks on how to apply new and
developed techniques to optimize for the delivery of programs mainly in the field of
artificial intelligence especially knowledge-based systems and genetic algorithms.
The author’s unique experience in complex management, program management,
and his past research and studies in analytical analysis and mathematical modeling
and artificial intelligence has induced him to write this book to well inform readers
about the different techniques that can be applied for future program execution.
Ali D. Haidar
เครดิตไฟล์ :
Ali D. Haidar
ผู้อัพโหลด : tumcivil
หมวดการกรอง :
ไฟล์ต้นฉบับ (ชัดเจน)
Textbook / หนังสือเท๊กซ์บุ๊ึค