Structural Analysis 6th - Aslam Kassimali

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Structural Analysis, 6th Edition by Aslam Kassimali

Readers learn to master the basic principles of structural analysis using the classical approach found in Kassimali's distinctive STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, 6th Edition. This edition presents structural analysis concepts in a logical order, progressing from an introduction of each topic to an analysis of statically determinate beams, trusses and rigid frames, and then to the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. Practical, solved problems integrated throughout each presentation help illustrate and clarify the book's fundamental concepts, while the latest examples and timely content reflect today's most current professional standards. Kassimali's STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, 6th Edition provides the foundation needed for advanced study and professional success.

Part 1: Introduction to Structural Analysis and Loads
chapter 1: Introduction to Structural Analysis
1.1 Historical Background
1.2 Role of Structural Analysis in Structural Engineering Projects
1.3 Classification of Structures
1.4 Analytical Models
chapter 2: Loads on Structures
2.1 Structural Systems for Transmitting Loads
2.2 Dead Loads
2.3 Live Loads
2.4 Classification of Buildings for Environmental Loads
2.5 Wind Loads
2.6 Snow Loads
2.7 Earthquake Loads
2.8 Hydrostatic and Soil Pressures
2.9 Thermal and Other Effects
2.10 Load Combinations
Part 2: Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures
chapter 3: Equilibrium and Support Reactions
3.1 Equilibrium of Structures
3.2 External and Internal Forces
3.3 Types of Supports for Plane Structures
3.4 Static Determinacy, Indeterminacy, and Instability
3.5 Computation of Reactions
3.6 Principle of Superposition
3.7 Reactions of Simply Supported Structures Using Proportions
chapter 4: Plane and Space Trusses
4.1 Assumptions for Analysis of Trusses
4.2 Arrangement of Members of Plane Trusses—Internal Stability
4.3 Equations of Condition for Plane Trusses
4.4 Static Determinacy, Indeterminacy, and Instability of Plane Trusses
4.5 Analysis of Plane Trusses by the Method of Joints
4.6 Analysis of Plane Trusses by the Method of Sections
4.7 Analysis of Compound Trusses
4.8 Complex Trusses
4.9 Space Trusses
chapter 5: Beams and Frames: Shear and Bending Moment
5.1 Axial Force, Shear, and Bending Moment
5.2 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams
5.3 Qualitative Deflected Shapes
5.4 Relationships between Loads, Shears, and Bending Moments
5.5 Static Determinacy, Indeterminacy, and Instability of Plane Frames
5.6 Analysis of Plane Frames
chapter 6: Deflections of Beams: Geometric Methods
6.1 Differential Equation for Beam Deflection
6.2 Direct Integration Method
6.3 Superposition Method
6.4 Moment-Area Method
6.5 Bending Moment Diagrams by Parts
6.6 Conjugate-Beam Method
chapter 7: Deflections of Trusses, Beams, and Frames: Work–Energy Methods
7.1 Work
7.2 Principle of Virtual Work
7.3 Deflections of Trusses by the Virtual Work Method
7.4 Deflections of Beams by the Virtual Work Method
7.5 Deflections of Frames by the Virtual Work Method
7.6 Conservation of Energy and Strain Energy
7.7 Castigliano’s Second Theorem
7.8 Betti’s Law and Maxwell’s Law of Reciprocal Deflections
chapter 8: Influence Lines
8.1 Influence Lines for Beams and Frames by Equilibrium Method
8.2 Müller-Breslau’s Principle and Qualitative Influence Lines
8.3 Influence Lines for Girders with Floor Systems
8.4 Influence Lines for Trusses
8.5 Influence Lines for Deflections
chapter 9: Application of Influence Lines
9.1 Response at a Particular Location Due to a Single Moving Concentrated Load
9.2 Response at a Particular Location Due to a Uniformly Distributed Live Load
9.3 Response at a Particular Location Due to a Series of Moving Concentrated Loads
9.4 Absolute Maximum Response
chapter 10: Analysis of Symmetric Structures
10.1 Symmetric Structures
10.2 Symmetric and Antisymmetric Components of Loadings
10.3 Behavior of Symmetric Structures under Symmetric and Antisymmetric Loadings
10.4 Procedure for Analysis of Symmetric Structures
Part 3: Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures
chapter 11: Introduction to Statically Indeterminate Structures
11.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Indeterminate Structures
11.2 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
chapter 12: Approximate Analysis of Rectangular Building Frames
12.1 Assumptions for Approximate Analysis
12.2 Analysis for Vertical Loads
12.3 Analysis for Lateral Loads—Portal Method
12.4 Analysis for Lateral Loads—Cantilever Method
chapter 13: Method of Consistent Deformations—Force Method
13.1 Structures with a Single Degree of Indeterminacy
13.2 Internal Forces and Moments as Redundants
13.3 Structures with Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy
13.4 Support Settlements, Temperature Changes, and Fabrication Errors
13.5 Method of Least Work
chapter 14: Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Structures
14.1 Influence Lines for Beams and Trusses
14.2 Qualitative Influence Lines by Müller-Breslau’s Principle
chapter 15: Slope-Deflection Method
15.1 Slope-Deflection Equations
15.2 Basic Concept of the Slope-Deflection Method
15.3 Analysis of Continuous Beams
15.4 Analysis of Frames without Sidesway
15.5 Analysis of Frames with Sidesway
chapter 16: Moment-Distribution Method
16.1 Definitions and Terminology
16.2 Basic Concept of the Moment-Distribution Method
16.3 Analysis of Continuous Beams
16.4 Analysis of Frames without Sidesway
16.5 Analysis of Frames with Sidesway
chapter 17: Introduction to Matrix Structural Analysis
17.1 Analytical Model
17.2 Member Stiffness Relations in Local Coordinates
17.3 Coordinate Transformations
17.4 Member Stiffness Relations in Global Coordinates
17.5 Structure Stiffness Relations
17.6 Procedure for Analysis
APPENDIX A: Areas and Centroids of Geometric Shapes
APPENDIX B: Review of Matrix Algebra
B.1 Definition of a Matrix
B.2 Types of Matrices
B.3 Matrix Operations
B.4 Solution of Simultaneous Equations by the Gauss-Jordan Method
APPENDIX C: Computer Software
C.1 Starting the Computer Software
C.2 Inputting Data
C.3 Results of the Analysis
APPENDIX D: Three-Moment Equation
D.1 Derivation of Three-Moment Equation
D.2 Application of Three-Moment Equation
Answers to Selected Problems

เครดิตไฟล์ :

Aslam Kassimali

ผู้อัพโหลด : tumcivil

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